
Co-dependency is a type of dysfunctional personal relationship where one person supports and enables another person's irresponsibility, addictions, poor choices, and/or other unresourceful (and sometimes violent) behaviour. Among the characteristics of co-dependency is an over-reliance on the other person for validation or approval and a (false) sense of meaning or identity. This is sometimes also known as "dependent personality disorder". Someone who is a co-dependent will often feel a great sense of frustrated loyalty, deep responsibility and love towards the source of their co-dependency. At some level they will also feel trapped, resentful and even despise the person that they are psychologically dependent upon. Use your professional discretion to determine if the degree of co-dependency is suitable for coaching. Clients who present with co-dependency type issues must be coached very carefully and, depending on the particular circumstances, it is often advisable to refer a client to a specialist consellor, psychologist or medical practitioner.

Available Modules

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Please contact us if you need advice on how to coach this issue and we will endeavour to prioritise a coaching solution for you as soon as possible.